Gym and fitness center management system
The X-Game system is designed to raise your lounge’s desires, track your business progress, and other features designed specifically to serve your lounge and satisfy customers.
What makes XGym unconventional and special
Fully integrated into one system
The XGame system is fully integrated with a modern and more intuitive design. It installs simply, updates easily, works offline, syncs automatically and manages everything at once from one screen.
Issuing periodic invoices for subscriptions
Xgame facilitates the process of issuing periodic customer invoices for subscriptions and their monthly or annual renewals. The subscription can also be activated or renewed automatically once the customer invoice that includes the package or membership is issued.
Packages and Subscriptions System
Start defining the different packages and memberships and determining the price for each package and the subscription period for which the customer will be charged. The system will activate the subscription, set the expiry date, and send a notification.
Analytics, Smart Reports
XGem uses your data to provide you with analytics and reports. Track revenue, subscriptions, profits, and costs from anywhere, from any device, as well as: Review special reports that will provide you with important insights about your project, or subscription categories in different time periods: such as hour, day, month, and year.
View subscriptions for each member
Through advanced display interfaces, you can review all the details of the customer's membership and know the remaining period on subscriptions and their expiry dates, and you can also view the consumed balances.
Analytics, Smart Reports
The xshop system uses your data to provide you with analytics and reports. Track revenue, sales, profits, and costs from anywhere, from any device, as well as: see special reports that will provide you with important insights into crew member sales, or sales categories in different time periods: hour, day, month, year. Additional reports will calculate customer turnout and demand levels as well.
It works on any device
XGame works on any device and there is no need for a specific device
And it works with high efficiency on touch devices, X-Game supports all types of hardware.
Works with or without internet
Internet problems are many, so XGam was designed to work with the Internet or even in the absence of the Internet. The (XGame) system will continue to work, linking data, and synchronizing it once you are back online.
Manage gym accounts and keep track of regular subscriptions
XGYM system issues invoices for subscriptions, products, nutritional supplements and training programs. Track product sales, subscriptions, record income and business expenses, and then calculate the net profit for each specified period of time.
Keep track of how your clients relate to the gym
Keep track of your customers’ subscriptions, payments, purchases and training programs. Assign each client a personal trainer and add notes to each client and attach any files.
Activate subscriptions and memberships for your customers
Activate the memberships of your subscribers in the gym, and specify the privileges of each membership and the services that the subscriber obtains, with the ability to adjust the number of shares and units available within the subscribers’ packages, and enter the consumer from them. The balances within each package, as well as displaying the validity date of the package and sending notifications of renewal date.
Distribute gym tasks to your employees and coaches
Add new trainers and keep track of how well each trainer performs in the gym with your clients. And add other employees with special permissions to follow up on your sales and subscriptions. Advanced reports informing you of the performance of each employee and coach according to the powers entrusted to him.
Lots of information in one look
In one look, see a detailed account statement for the customer and supplier immediately and follow up on his purchases, payments and debts, an easy-to-read and fast account statement
Reward points for every bill of a certain amount
Encourage your customers to visit your store again through reward points and they can be exchanged for the purchase of a specific product or a discount on an invoice